Ten things inspired by Pinterest to do this fall

#MondayListicles Pins: Fall Bucket List

Say it Rah-shay By Oct 05, 2014 1 Comment

TListicle3his week for Monday Listicles the prompt came from @inmompause who wants to know our favorite ten pins from Pinterest. As a person with way too many pins I decided to do make a Fall bucket list for my pins.







Ten pins I plan to do this Fall:

Ten things inspired by Pinterest to do this fall

Ten things inspired by Pinterest to do this fall

1. A Death Star Pillow
Now that my yarn buying embargo has been lifted, I am buying all the yarn to make all the things!

2. Make cupcakes. I was able to sample some of Jim Beam’s Fire Bourbon and, oh my stars, was it delicious. Now I can bake and enjoy the deliciousness with chocolate!

3. Work on doing a split
The groans which accompany me getting out of bed makes flexibility a must have and not an option.

4. A Gratitude calendar I have a good life and I’d like to reflect upong that a bit more. I also want to do more things with The Bee and this is a good fit.

5. Use some chalkboard paint on one of the rooms in my house. The craft room (ok, my yarn room) needs to be repainted and one wall could totes be a chalkboard wall to write notes, ideas, orders?

6. Crafting with The Bee. High School came and whoosh! I hardly ever see her. I want to bake cookies and make a sweater bag with her because bag!

7. Make some healthier snacks. The time we tried to make our own edemame was, in a word, gross. I keep forgetting about the magic what is Pinterest.

8. Make my own pasta sauce.

9. Make some more cookie dough batter dip

10. Make soup. I have been spending money buying soup daily and want to try my hand making up my own.

Follow Rachée Fagg’s board Fall Pinterest Inspired Bucket list on Pinterest.

Are you a Pinterest addict like me?
Share your user name in the comments and I will follow!
Happy pinning,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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