Who is Rachée? (rachee@sayitrahshay.com)
Yes, Rah-shay.
Maybe Ruh-shay.
But not Ruh-chey. Rah-chee, Ray-shay.
Not Rachel. Not Roxanne.

Say it, “Rah-shay.”
This space has evolved since I started blogging many moons ago. I write a little but about a lot of things but lately I have been writing the most about running and Chronic Kidney Disease.
About running:
You can read the whole story here but just know that one day I had enough of sound like Darth Vader and tried this thing called running. Now I have a love/hate affair with running and fitness. I love the results but your girl still struggles to embrace that 5am alarm.
About CKD…Chronic Kidney Disease.
You can read more about that here and here. In a nutshell, my family carries a gene that causes my kidneys to fail. And they are failing. My kidneys that is.
I am on the hunt for a living donor and hope that you would consider amplifying my story or even getting tested.
I still wear many a hat, (knitted and crochet usually by moi!) and they include:
- I’m still a library chick.
- Book lover, although since the pandemic my reading is feast or famine.
Twin to this my sis, who was my sometime wannabe blogging partner. (Now we just take cooking classes and buy too many tacos).
- Still an avid trash TV watcher…I usually live tweet my shows over on the Twitter
- Student. I am FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY finishing up my degree! The end is soooooo close!
- Mostly Meatless. Still working on this one.
Drop me a line at rachee@sayitrahshay.com and let me know how we can connect!
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