Check In: Down Five!

Look Better Naked By Mar 09, 2011 1 Comment

Created by MyFitnessPal – Nutrition Facts For Foods

I’ve lost five pounds.
A part of me celebrates but another part of me is a tad perturbed. The five that I lost was part of the six more I gained since December when I cam clean about my weight.
So I am exactly where I was when I started: 189.
As I re-evaluate my goals and efforts I realize that I am eating less, being mindful when I eat and actually chewing and tasting food as opposed to inhaling and feeling upset that I ate so much.  I have also added more veggies and fruits and nuts instead of the other crap that I would pollute my body with. Small changes but five pounds down worthy.

I am exercising more. Hooping is really cool and since I have been practicing more and more so that I am not laughed at by the kids at my work I am actually getting better!

Running begins next week. Daylight Savings ends (cause, that was my excuse!) and my friend Nancy invited me to run with her once it’s not dark at 4PM during the week, right after work.

How is YOUR week?


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

1 Comment

  1. Jen says:

    Hi Rachee…all the way from Melbourne Australia, I am curious to know how your weight loss is going. I too (like so many others) have a weight problem as well. Its so easy to tuck into food when down and depressed. Motivation is the key and you have unlocked the Pandora’s Box!
    I wish you well.

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!