Hello July!

Say it Rah-shay By Jul 01, 2017 6 Comments

7. Settling into a routine


This last item seems boring and tame compared to everything else but hear me out. Instead of waking up at 4:30 and scrolling aimlessly through social media for a few hours and then rushing off late for my day, I aim to be more purposeful about my time. I have been getting up and starting my day. I read a little. Write a little. Give Lil some attention. A few rows on a project and of course working on my fitness. There are days when I just scroll through social media and see what’s up and that’s not a bad thing but instead of spending hours seeing who tweeted what, I spend a few minutes and then get on with the day.

Routine has proven quite productive. Mt Laundry is conquered! I am making a decent breakfast and not opening money on some convenient crap. I have been blogging again and the creative juices are flowing.


July Bucket List

So here it is.

Seven things to to for the seventh month of the year.

Follow my Instagram for shots as I complete these things or check out the blog for updates.

Tell me…do you have plans for July? Share them in the comments!

Happy Julying!


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I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. Shalama Jackson says:

    It is officially July and I can’t believe it myself. I usually keep mental lists and that doesn’t change this month with the exception that I am being a little more verbal since I have a new competition that I am blogging about as it approaches in August. Here’s to you rocking out your goals.

  2. The year is moving much too quickly, but I like the idea that July can be a reset month

  3. Candy says:

    Time does go extremely fast. You should add fruit picking. We did blueberries one year and it was great. We had muffins for days.

  4. Talisa G. says:

    I’ve been having dog-fever also lately. Doesn’t help that my closest cousin has a few cuties of her own and she’s always talking about them. It’s really time I get a dog!

  5. I like that July is a starting point for the rest of the year – I will definitely be hitting the reset button!

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!