MondayListicles Rides a Bike #StreamTeamUKS

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 01, 2015 10 Comments

Especially ones where I had to wiggle my butt around while my butt had other ideas:

I had to fake a few moves ’cause No

Then she was all, pick up your weights for arms:

When class over I was all:

And was so excited to head back to my room because I was ready to eat all the food:

Y’all…that class was rough! It was fun but, I repeat, rough and while I did not have the same epiphany that Kimmy had while riding her bike, I had a blast.

Let’s make a list!

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Now then, it’s your turn!: Make a list, check it twice, add some bling and link up!




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r’s note: I am a member of the Netflix Streamteam. I was invited to an all expense paid trip to New York for a two-night, fun-filled trip to the Big Apple, travel, activities, including Soul Cycle, and accommodations included. All opinions and thoughts are my own.
Gifs acquired from Giphy

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I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. winifredjac says:

    That’s amazing that you got that trip!!! I love NY and I love spin class. I’m happy you did it, gurl. It still isn’t easy for me.

    1. Rachee says:

      I don’t feel a burning desire to take classes again but I have a bike and would like to start riding again.

  2. carla says:

    I would love the trip to New York City I would pass on the soul cycle. Better you than me 🙂 I might pass out…

    1. Rachee says:

      I thought I would too but it was Ok. That said, I can now feel my legs.

  3. Rachel B says:

    Amazing! I can see how this story was best told by gifs! Love it! Man I haven’t been to a spin class in a looooooong time- sounds like a lot of work!

  4. Sounds like you had a great time. What an awesome opportunity.

  5. Shelly says:

    So jealous! Wish I could have gotten a paid trip to NY! I’ve only been to New York one time, but we spent the entire weekend on Long Island. I tried a spin class one time, but that was way to intense for me. haha

  6. Taylor S. says:

    How cool is that to have a paid trip to NY! I’m jealous – I can’t wait to visit someday! This looks like it was such a fun trip, too. I just started cycling again and I’m so happy with the results!

  7. Karissa says:

    That sounds amazing! I want to visit NY again it’s been years.

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!