Yarnthings: What Pattern Will I Crochet or Knit Today?

yaRRns By Sep 18, 2014 No Comments


My name is Rachee and I collect patterns.

Knit or crochet. From books and websites. Swapping with friends, scribbling notes and hoarding papers with words like k2tog or ch 5.

I got it bad and it is so, oh so good.

Despite my plethora of patterns I find myself asking the question, what to add to my hooks and needles now? I have The Kitchen Sink Blanket for evenings at home. I have a scarf on the needles for Dill and a beanie on the hooks because beanie. While that SHOULD be enough, I suffer from what I call Crochet D.D.:

The crafter’s equivalent of A.D.D.  In which one cannot focus on a single project at a time and will have two or more works in progress.

The crafter’s equivalent of A.D.D.

In the past, I would use this as an excuse to buy more yarn for inspiration but these days I am working on using up my stash and have been doing a search for more patterns.


To get your crojo in gear, check out Free Crochet Patterns. Inspiration and more than 1,200 FREE crochet patterns are available. Click here today! You will be asked for your e-mail address and given a few newsletter options to sign up for and then you’re on the site. There are options to buy patterns but there are plenty of free ones which are cute and look fun to make.



Knitters, don’t fret! There is an option to knit as well!

Happy stitching! May your Crochet D.D. be prosperous!

r’s note: Affiliate links are used in this post. If you click on the link I will receive a small commission. My experience with Free-Crochet.com and Free-Knit.com is my own opinion.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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