I’ve been working on decluttering my space and started with yarn things last week. Last weekend I went through all of the project bags that I have been storing yarn all over the house, had a heart to heart with myself and let go of all of the projects that were not bringing me joy. I freed those skeins on an online Buy Nothing Group and even threw in a few books that I had not touched in a while.
Next, I went through the dresser of yarn and it was a lovely trip down memory lane. I reminisced about the where and when I got some of the yarn. Some of the yarn was leftover from projects, some was gifts from well meaning friends and family who “know I knit” and then there was the yarn that I got from various places because it was available (OK…free). Looking at the piles was stressing me out. There was so much yarn because I wanted a big stash (she who has the most toys, wins but with big stash comes big problems. I would be spending so much time trying to organize my stash because I was looking for materials instead of working project. I would get so frustrated and impatient looking for something that I would buy more supplies and just start something new.
After two huge purges, I’m left with the yarn earmarked for specific projects that I actually want to create. I have them sorted into all of those project bags that I cleaned out last week and I feel like I will actually get projects done instead of talking about knitting.
So. Y’all know that I can’t resist a challenge so when I saw this a knitting challenge posted on Instagram, kerthunk, I jumped on board. I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a knitting challenge from @curioushandmade. Twenty items to knit in 2021.

Looking through the list are challenge items that I have listed as goals. On the needles so far are a hat with cables, the beginning of sweater and a pair of socks for The Bee. Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my progress.
If you are a knitter, join the challenge! Let’s support each other for a crafty 2021!
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