
Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday: Star Trek is 46

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 07, 2012 1 Comment

I wasn’t always a Trekkie. As a kid Star Trek was this thing that would come on television that looked weird and would interrupt my TV viewing (yes children…there were not always hundreds of channels to choose from or tv viewing on demand!). The only things I knew about the movies were from some neighbors from across who would have…

Flashback Friday: Summer Reading starts Monday!

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 15, 2012 1 Comment

My summer reading program starts Monday and (shocker) I am not feeling ready. I almost had an anxiety attack when all of a sudden I remembered that it’s not brain surgery, it’s supposed to be fun and, most importantly…I got this. Here are a few gratuitous moments from summer past First, here is a link to the making of a…

Flashback Friday: Authorlust

I actually have a ranty thing that I wanted to write but felt way too emotional and too close to my raw emotions to coherently bang out a post and to actually be productive. Instead I felt like bragging about all of the authors I have met over time. Through my friend Professor Morris I was reintroduced to Street Lit, a genre I had dismissed as…

Flashback Friday: I Be Working on My Fitness

Buffy and me.We’re the fast girls your mom warned you about Flashback Friday is a new thing I’m doing on the blog. It’s a sharing of old posts but unlike my friend Kathy’s meme, Time Warp Tuesday, this post focuses on a group of old posts instead of reworking one. I’ve decided to sign up for the Mamavation Two Week Challenge and feel…

Flashback Friday: I heart him!

My blogging friend Mommabrown has been the inspiration for two posts this week. First she inspired me to give my weight a visual (See Throwing Stones on my wanna be weight loss blog) and then she inspired this idea to share older posts while the one I’m working on (tentatively titled “That Time I Broke Into My House”) is still…