I actually have a ranty thing that I wanted to write but felt way too emotional and too close to my raw emotions to coherently bang out a post and to actually be productive. Instead I felt like bragging about all of the authors I have met over time.
Through my friend Professor Morris I was reintroduced to Street Lit, a genre I had dismissed as fast women, cars and ballers. I met K’wan, the author of the Hoodrat series and I was hooked!
My friend Nakia runs the Three Chicks on Lit podcast and invited Buffy and me to her holiday party. In addition to being able to feed my growing street lit love, I was able to meet a few other authors, notably Dolen Perkins-Valdez, the author of Wench (highly recommend this!).
My hooking almost took a needling (see what I did there?) when I met Debbie Stoller, the author of Stitch and Bitch. Her book, The Happy Hooker, was the first book I bought when I was thinking about crochet. The Bee and I met her when she had a book signing at the Free Library.
I just adore Charlotte Bennardo and Natalie Zaman . Natalie crochets and made me a beautiful scarf and Charlotte is just so fun to follow on Facebook. They are the authors of Sirenz and a sequel is due out soon.
All of the authors are my favorite but I think Will Hillenbrand may have had the grandest event. He was the illustrator of the One Book, Every Young Child choice for 2009.
And last, but not least, the authors that started it all: Nikki Grimes and Wendy Mass! I met them at a conference in West Chester. I love conferences. And meeting authors. And books.
In fact, I’m all rets to go snuggle with one now.
Looking for a page turner,
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