
blog tour

#MondayListicles and the Story of My Life

This week Monday Listicles is Ten Chapters in the book of our life.I’m feeling a tad weepy after an event that didn’t go as planned and as thus feeling a tad angsty and whiny but wanted to keep this fun so look for an angst filled post in a few. Now then: Ten chapters in The Tao of Rachée  1. I’m…

#MondayListicles Go Up, Up and Away!

This week I decided that Monday Listicles should be an ode to the better Rachee  I am becoming since going to the gym. At first I was all like: But then I realized that while my dress size has not gone down (Boo!) there really are some other benefits to working out. 1. I can (almost!) do a split.I have been diligently…

#MondayListicles Seals it with a kiss

Once again Kerry from 2 to go is the inspiration for Monday Listicles (on Sunday…whatevs). I am not a fan of PDA but I have had a few times in my life when I said “Let them eat cake” and puckered up. So. Ten places I smooched: 1. Outside of a movie theater.The first date Effin Guy and I went on started…

#MondayListicles: Ten Reasons My Guy Rocks

Say it Rah-shay By Mar 21, 2013 1 Comment

This week’s Monday Listicle was suggested by The Bonny Bard who wants us to share ten reasons why our partners rock. r’s note to my kid: Stop reading now ’cause I don’t want to hear your mouth about what I shouldn’t be sharing. This also applies to my sister. Ahem. Here is my ode to Effin Guy and ten reasons why he…

#MondayListicles Smells Like Oh My!

Once again Kerry from the blog New2Two provides the inspiration for Monday Listicles. This week we are sharing ten fantastic smells. So, here goes: 1. CoffeeThe first cuppa each day.Before I sip, before I doctor it up, the first thing I do is take a long, leisurely inhale.Ahhh… 2. Freshly baked cookiesI don’t bake often but when I do, its…