Dust off Your Shelfies with These 4 Shows #streamteam

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 20, 2015 7 Comments

Battle Royale


I have watched this movie at least three times because it’s freaking awesome (think Hunger Games only gorier) so I feel like I should be watching something new in my queue. Also, those pesky subtitles!

Introduce this title to a friend who has not yet seen the movie and re-watch with glee!

1 2 3 4

I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. Bri says:

    I always tell myself I am going to start watching a new series, but end up watching something I know I will like for sure. Knitting is a skill I want to pick up.

    1. Rachee says:

      I keep watching the same ole same ole too!

  2. I am so bad about sticking with my old standbys when it comes to movies that I like! I am so afraid to try something new LOL

  3. I will have to check this out! I am in a Netflix rut and have been trying to find something new.

  4. sacha says:

    Im glad that you’re part of the Netflix team. Now I can be informed of good quality movies to watch through your blog.

  5. deborahdennert2014 says:

    The ‘woman on the bike’ kinda looks like a younger Julia Roberts. Trailer is a little confusing but I think that is the point of the movie. Definitely want to watch to see if it is true… does love conquer all?

  6. Censie says:

    Adding this to my list. I love finding new movies to watch. I want to see it!

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!