Fitness Friday: Hula Hooping

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 20, 2015 No Comments

Yes, yes. I realize it’s Sunday.

This week I didn’t do a workout DVD but found myself out in the sunshine doing some hula hooping and it was pretty darn fun!

My friend Sarah originally turned me on to hooping years ago when she came to the library to do a class. She gifted me a hoop which has been sporadically used, most recently by The Bee when she was trying to train the cat to jump through it.

On Saturday during an event on Lansdowne, I met Angela Armour and my excitement for hooping was reignited. Angela is very passionate about hooping,encouraging everyone watching to grab a hoop ad give it a whirl. As a person with some body issues, I loved her positive message about becoming in tune with the hoop and allowing your body to move.


I hooped for a good twenty minutes or so and felt it later in the day. After my back recovers I think I will have to pull out my hoop and give it more action

Sarah has a list of videos to check out with her hooping and some that can be purchased. YouTube, not surprisingly, has videos too.




See you FRIDAY with a new workout!



I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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