r’s note: This is a sponsored post. I am teaming up with Brightly, an online resource from Penguin Random House that helps parents, educators, and anyone with kids in their lives grow lifelong readers! All opinions are my own.
The school year is still fairly new in that I have not gotten my “regulars” back at the library so programming is a bit tricky. One thing that I really want to initiate is some kind of fluency program. Something where the kids can practice not just reading but reading with expression, reading with feeling, reading without sounding like robots.
As per my usual, I was over thinking HOW this would look. I had thought of finding an outside facilitator, was looking at what other libraries did but today I had a great “a ha moment.” I pulled out one of the books of Mad Libs that I was sent to review from Brightly and asked the kids at the library to work a few of them with me.
Today’s group was children who’s ages ranged from five through eleven. There were three boys and one girl. I mention this because I am always worried about the male/female ration but the group was very inclusive and gave everyone a chance to participate. After I explained HOW Mad Libs worked, reviewed the parts of speech, the kids had at it.

This helped *me* remember what was what!
I will eat some humble pie because I was surprised at just how much fun the kids had playing and creating their Mad Libs stories. They were appropriately kids; lots of burping and farting jokes but also silly with animals, goofy words and inside jokes from school. As I puttered around my desk, they played independently for about 45 minutes! I thought for sure the group would not want to play but they were so excited to be a part of this test that they played well after I left for the day.
As a kid I played with Mad Libs but can remember my mom always encouraging me to “save the book” but allowing the kids to have it and do as many as they wanted seemed to be the key. One child wrote out the words while the others helped each other come of with the different parts of speech to create the stories. Listening to them giggle and read their stories was priceless.
As I listened to the kids it occurred to me to let them direct this idea; a program where the controlled the story. They came up with combinations and took turns reading and helping each other with their creations. Needless to say, Mad Libs will totally be my go to! I was gifted a few books that I can use for work and
But you don’t have to take *my* word for it! Download your own pack of Mad Libs here. Share these with the young people in your life and be prepared for giggles and silly stories.
Want more information about Brightly? Check out this link.
r’s note: This is a sponsored post. I am teaming up with Brightly, an online resource from Penguin Random House that helps parents, educators, and anyone with kids in their lives grow lifelong readers! Brightly offers book recommendations from all publishers for every age and stage, reading tips, author essays, and much more.
Sometimes children really surprise us adults. I think the Mad Libs idea was a fabulous one. I hope your new program is a big success!
We love MadLibs! It is something we do for car rides or when we are stuck in the house due to poor weather. So funny!
It’s great that the kids had a lot of fun with the Mad Libs. It sounds like they were a real hit. My kids liked doing these too.
Even as an adult, madlibs are fun! I’m sure it’s so much fun for a kid and a great way to differentiate between types of words.
I love Mad Libs! It seems like the kids really enjoyed themselves. It’s a great way to mix in fun with learning! I can’t wait to do these with my daughter when she gets a little bit older.
I remember loving mad libs when I was younger! It is really cool that it is still around and still a lot of fun for parents and kids to do together. I bet my daughter would even enjoy it.
My oldest daughter is just learning to read, and I think she would have a lot of fun with these! Might have to pick some up for her stocking.
We cant have here in my countrie but online i read couple , and i enjoy . Its really great idea , mi girl will love it.
Mad Libs are so much fun! I remember doing them with friends as a girl when I was little. Then later, when our kids came along they enjoyed them just as much.
I loved Mad Libs as a kid. I remember laughing hysterically at the stories we created. And I really feel like they helped me learn nouns vs verbs vs adjectives, etc. But you totally don’t feel like you’re learning at all.
haha that game is great. I used to devour the Madlibs notebooks when i was little. This is a great reminder. Thanks!
That sounds really amazing and I love that you’re able to share it with the kids. It’s definitely a fun game to play, it’s good to know that they had a great time doing so.
I can’t believe I didn’t read this book before.. or even heard about it I need to get it to my little sister I’m sure she’s gonna love it
I have always enjoyed madlibs, and I think it is awesome that your program is sharing it with young children too! It was something I remember looking forward to as a child.
I remember Madlibs! I think I’ve seen my kids have a book before, too. So awesome that the kids in the library loved it.
These were my favorite thing ever growing up! We would get these at the book fairs at school and then spend all the free time in class creating crazy stories!
I LOVED mad libs when I was younger. We recently got a book in a subscription box, and I am excited to try it out with my own kids!
I loved Madlibs as a kid. We used to have the best time coming up with goofy inappropriate stories. So glad to they are still around to engage kids imaginations.
I didn’t discover mad libs till much later in life but they’re so much fun! It’s definitely be a fun thing to do with kids!
Mad libs are great for creativity and the imagination. That is so awesome it worked out better than you expected!
This sounds like so much fun for the kids! I’m glad it was so successful 🙂 Brightly sounds great.
I’ve heard of this game before but I’ve never played it even with the kids! I think it’s pretty brilliant and I’m sure my kids will have so much fun!
I had not heard of this book before but with our trips to the library, I will make sure to check it out.
This is a nice and exciting. Never heard of this before and I’m sure kids will have fun playing this!
I have always loved mad libs! I think my kids are finally old enough to get how it works now! Thanks for the inspo to try them out!