Blood, Boobs, and Carnage

Say it Rah-shay By May 18, 2015 16 Comments

Happy Monday Friends!
I totally forgot that I signed up to be a part of a linky about Blood, Boobs, and Carnage!

This link up is being hosted by:

Hosted by:

Alex J. Cavanaugh

Heather Gardner


Shall we get to it?!

The last week has found me watching lots of television and here are some unlikely candidates for the linkup.


Hot Fuzz (affiliate link) starring the always adorable Simon Pegg.

hot fuzz

About the movie:

Exceptional London cop Nicholas Angel is involuntarily transferred to a quaint English village and paired with a witless new partner. While on the beat, Nicholas suspects a sinister conspiracy is afoot with the residents.

Why blood?
This movie makes you think you are in for a buddy cop movie but takes a dark turn when the citizens of the quaint English Village of Sanford plot and commit murder in an effort to keep their perfect town perfect.

Favorite line:

[after supposedly stabbing Sgt. Angel, Danny is waving a sachet of tomato ketchup]

Danny Butterman: Ta-daaa!

Nicholas Angel: Danny, this is murder.

Danny Butterman: It’s not murder, it’s ketchup.

Nicholas Angel: It’s Frank! He’s appointed himself Judge, Jury and Executioner.

Danny Butterman: [agitated and defensive] He is not Judge Judy and Executioner

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I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. Great choice for the B,B&C Blogfest!

  2. chemistken says:

    Hot Fuzz was great, and not just because of all the British accents. I loved Trading Places too, although I never would have thought of including it here.

    1. Rachee says:

      Hot Fuzz was like the ultimate cop movie!

  3. Hot Fuzz is an awesome film! And this is the second time I’ve seen Outlander mentioned today. I’ve read the book, but I haven’t seen the show. Must watch it!

    1. Rachee says:

      The show follows the book pretty closely. I will say that I like “book” Claire more than I like “TV” Claire.

  4. dolorah says:

    A bloody comedy. Those can be interesting 🙂

  5. Excellent choice! Great movie.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  6. Debbie D. says:

    Sounds interesting and a great choice for the BB&C Blogfest! Will definitely check it out.

  7. M.R.R. says:

    One of my friends has this movie, but I haven’t seen it.

  8. greyzoned/angelsbark says:

    I love Outlander!!! Completely hooked on it and really enjoyed the book too. Haven’t seen the other movies you posted about but they sound good. Happy BB&C!
    Michele at Angels Bark

  9. Hot Fuzz was pretty darn funny. Most things Mr. Pegg does are. I haven’t read either of those series, though I’ve heard good things. I like your chest cold comment. 🙂 Trading Places is an oldie but a goodie!
    THANK YOU for joining Alex and me in this EPIC blogfest!
    Heather M. Gardner

  10. Trading Places is one of my favorite movies of all time. I haven’t seen it in ages!

  11. babymakinmachine says:

    Ok I don’t know if I’m lame, old, or just not with it, but I haven’t seen any of these yet! haha. Good news is you’ve made me want to check a couple of these out!

  12. I don’t think I’ve seen Trading Places all the way through and I’m due for a good laugh!

  13. Ha! Loved that movie! My hubs and I are big fans of all his movies! And what a fun link up, hmm, might join in next time! Great to see ya again, mama!

  14. Bri says:

    wow, Trading Places is my movie. I loved the whole plot line & this movie is a great comedy.

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!