Write a Review Wednesday: Robot Books

Write a Review Wednesday: Doug Unplugs on the Farm

Say it Rah-shay By Aug 06, 2014 No Comments

In Dan Yaccarino’s Doug Unplugs on the Farm, a little robot takes a hands on approach when his family takes a visit through farm country. In a world in which we are so connected to our smart tools this book is a nice reminder that hands on is sometimes best.

During a drive to visit the grandbots, Doug’s family wants him to know all there is to farm life and encourages Doug to learn as much as he can by downloading info. When an encounter with a herd of sheep causes the family to unplug, Doug takes his knowledge and experiences farm life hands on.

I adore this book. While I am guilty of researching and doing prep work for upcoming tasks, there is nothing like hands on to get the best experience.

Dan’s drawings are fun to look at and add to the story. This would be a fun book to read and act out with preschoolers who love robots or animals (or both!).

I think this would be a fun book to pair with Ame Dyckman’s Boy + Bot (which was illustrated by Yaccarino!). In each book the robots have experiences and the books can be used to chat about likes and differences.

Get your own copy using my affiliate link or visit the library and unplug as you head to the farm.




I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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