The 10th Annual Philadelphia Honey Festival kicks off Fall Fest Season on September 6-8, 2019, at Bartram’s Garden, Wyck Historic House and Glen Foerd on the Delaware. These three historic venues partner with the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild to host one of the first big festivals of the fall as Philadelphia returns from the shore. Get outside and bring the family for a celebration filled with educational activities, tastings, speakers, and free family fun.
Festivities will include hive demonstrations, honey extractions, open hive talks, children’s activities, honey tastings, mead tastings, sales from local beekeepers, presentations, a bee-bearding demonstration free boating and much more. Bring the family, invite your friends and come out for an unforgettable day that truly is the “bees’ knees!”
Philadelphia, PA – Philadelphia Honey Festival buzzes into fall on September 6, 7 and 8, 2019, at Glen Foerd on the Delaware, Wyck Historic House and Bartram’s Garden. This annual event, organized by the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild, celebrates 10 incredible years and works to raise awareness about the importance of honey bees to the environment, the food supply and the economy, and to celebrate urban beekeeping and gardening. The three historic locations will each host one day of the festival.

Things will be buzzing during this year’s Philadelphia Honey Festival with returning traditions as well as new programs. All three historic locations will offer visitors free family friendly activities for the three days of the festival. On top of the open hive demonstrations, honey extractions, open hive talks, bee beards (compliments of Don Shump, Guild Member) tastings and more, look for new additions in 2019.
Of particular interest this year:
· Glen Foerd introduces the Bee-Happy Hour with live music, food, and beverages. Craft beers/meads compliments of sponsor Philly Home Brew and honey cocktails served by Red Brick Craft Distillery.
· At Wyck House on Saturday, following a blockbuster inaugural year in 2018, the Philadelphia Honey Home Brew Challenge sponsored by Colony Meadery will be reprised!
· Bartram’s Garden will host two speakers, local Philly beekeepers, Stephanie Brown and Sam Torres. You can learn more about bees from a local West Philly Beekeeper. And, don’t worry, the famous Children’s Bee parade is still a go!
Entry to the festival venues, educational activities and demonstrations is free. For the schedule of events, visit
“Buzz-in and join us for the 2019 Philadelphia Honey Festival,” said Kathy May, Beekeeper, Guild Member, and Honey Festival Organizer. “Honey Festival is a Philadelphia tradition that kicks off the fall season in our region. Everyone is back from the shore and it’s a beautiful time to get outside and celebrate nature. Come purchase your local Philadelphia honey and enjoy all the free family fun we have to offer at Bartram’s Garden, Wyck Historic House and Glen Foerd on the Delaware. This festival really is the bees’ knees – and we look forward to seeing you!”
Bartram’s Garden Executive Director Maitreyi Roy added, “Philadelphia Honey Fest is a fun family event, and it also shares the importance of stewarding our natural environment so we can ensure that our native bee population thrives.”
“We are so proud to be included as a partner for Philadelphia Honey Festival and to offer support to local beekeepers, bee enthusiasts and those who are just discovering the festival and the wonders of the honey bee. The festival is a wonderful way to kick-off the fall season and offers entertainment, shopping, and educational opportunities to both kids and adults alike.” Glen Foerd’s Director of Programs and Collections, Erica Freeman.
“Wyck has hosted the Philadelphia Honey Festival for nine years and looks forward to this great 10th year! This event shows the power of collaboration, from working with the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild and the other hosts, to working with the sponsors and vendors. It all comes together to be an enjoyable and educational festival for our community.” Wyck, Executive Director, Jennifer Carlson.
The Beekeepers Guild believes in shopping and supporting local businesses. We are proud to welcome Philadelphia born Honeygrow and The Soulful Project to our esteemed lineup of sponsors. They join a long term sponsor – Philly Homebrew Outlet. Rounding out this great list of sponsors is Mom’s Organic Market of Center City, Colony Meadery of Allentown and GRID Philly Magazine.

The Philadelphia Honey Festival began in 2010 to accompany the placement of an historic marker honoring Philadelphia-born Lorenzo L. Langstroth. Well-known to beekeepers, Langstroth invented the first movable frame hive design based on the principle of “bee space.” You can see the marker at 106 South Front Street in Philadelphia, his birthplace.
The Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild had been founded the previous September (2009) and quickly allied with three historic venues to offer Honey & History activities, which they dubbed the 2010 Philly Honey Fest. Wyck Historic House | Garden | Farm, in the Germantown section of the city, lent their podium to such notable beekeepers as Kim Flottum. Beekeepers and the general public alike enjoyed children’s activities at the Wagner Free Institute of Science. While at historic Bartram’s Garden in southwest Philadelphia, the DaVinci Art Alliance member exhibit featured honey bees in art.
Since 2010, the Philadelphia Honey Festival has been held the weekend after Labor Day; 2019 marks a fantastic 10TH festival. The venues are purposefully chosen in order to allow Philadelphians the opportunity to attend the festival without traveling far from their neighborhoods. This year, the festival will kick off on FRIDAY, at Glen Foerd on the Delaware- in the Northeast. We move SATURDAY, to Wyck Historic House in Northwest Philadelphia and wrap up on SUNDAY at Bartram’s Garden in West Philly.
The Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild is proud to present this festival for the 10th year along with our three partners. It may sound “too sweet”, but we really do have something for everyone! Honey sampling, music, children’s activities, informative talks on bees, adult beverages, demonstrations on all aspects of beekeeping, great food, vendor marketplaces, and the list goes on.
Philadelphia Honey Festival 2019 will also announce additional programming closer to the event.
Learn more about this great event at:
You can contact the Honey Fest Team at:
Glen Foerd on the Delaware (Grant Ave. & Milnor St., Philadelphia 19114 hosts the official kick off and the Bee-Happy Hour for Honey Festival 2019! The event runs Friday, September 6th, from 5:00pm to 9:00pm. This evening event is a great chance to sample all the activities which comprise the Honey Festival. There truly is something for everyone this night!
5:00pm-9:00pm Ongoing Activities:
Lawn Games
Vendor Market Place: Visit with local vendors and organizations selling honey-based products, natural products and providing demonstrations including information about home beer brewing and mead making.
5:30pm – Open Hive Talk – Join us for an Open Hive talk with members of the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild. See what happens inside the hive!
6:30pm – BEE BEARD! The ever-popular event features Don Shump, Philadelphia Bee Company, who will create a beard of bees on his face!
7:30pm – Key Note Speaker: Doug Sponslor (PhD, postdoc at Penn State University; research associate at the Academy of Natural Sciences) will talk about urban pollinators. His talk will also serve as the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild Monthly Meeting.
8:30pm – Honey Extraction – so you have a hive full of honey…now what?! See how honey goes from hive to table!
Next, Wyck Historic House, Garden, and Farm (6026 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia 19144) offers a full day of events on Saturday, September 7th from 10 am – 4 pm. Special features include the 2nd Annual Colony Meadery sponsored Honey Home Brew Challenge, the mead tent for demonstrations and sampling, ongoing children’s activities, and a vendor marketplace.
10 am- 4 pm Ongoing Activities:
Tour Wyck House – Learn about the Quaker family who called Wyck home for nine generations. Vendor Market Place: Visit with local vendors and organizations selling honey based products, natural products and providing demonstrations including information about home beer brewing and mead making. Philadelphia Food Trucks – on site to be announced.
11:00 am- 3:00 pm Ongoing Children’s Activities – Join us in the shaded area close to the carriage house for educational and fun BEE activities!
10:30 am Open Hive Talk – Take a peek into a real live beehive; a real live beekeeper will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about honey bees
12:00 noon Honey Extraction – How Do You Get the Honey Away From the Bees? Watch as honey is taken from the honeycomb and take a taste!
12:00 noon to 4:00 pm Mead Tent Event and Honey Home Brew Challenge.
12:30 pm Open Hive Talk – What’s Going on in There? Join us at the beehives by the greenhouses to watch and learn from the beekeeper
1:30 pm Honey Extraction – See how the honey goes from the honeycomb to the jar through the “magic” of centrifugal force
2:00 pm Bee Beard!
3:30 pm Open Hive Talk – Get up close and personal, if you dare! Watch and ask questions, as a beekeeper “works the bees”
Bartram’s Garden (54th Street & Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia 19143) hosts the final day of the festival on Sunday, September 8th from 10 am – 4 pm. Special features include a children’s carnival, Children’s Bee Parade, a marketplace with local crafts, beer making demonstrations and two informative talks by local west Philly beekeepers.
10am – 4pm Ongoing Activities
Children’s Carnival – Make your own costume for the bee parades!
Vendors’ Marketplace: local vendors and organizations selling hand-made products and demonstrations including “home brewing with honey” by our sponsor, Philly Homebrew Outlet.
Bartram’s Gift Shop & Tours – Welcome Center
Famous Philly food trucks on site.
Ongoing 11:00am – 3pm – Free Boating on the Delaware
Ongoing 12:00pm – 4:00pm – House and Garden Tours Available Tickets can be purchased in the Welcome Center
10:30am Open Hive Talk – Take a peek inside a REAL LIVE hive with an experienced beekeeper!
11:00am Honey Extraction Demonstration – Learn how honey makes it from the hive and the honeycomb into a jar!
12:30pm Open Hive Talk – What’s going on in there? Watch and learn as a beekeeper opens a living bee hive right before your eyes.
1:00pm Honey Extraction Demo – All hands on deck, interactive honey harvest; learn then do it!
2:00pm Open Hive Talk – Come closer if you dare! Ask the beekeeper anything you want to know about honey bees.
2:30pm – Honey Extraction Demonstration learn how honey makes it from the hive and the honeycomb into a jar!
3:00pm – Bee Beard! Watch as Don Shump, Philadelphia Bee Company, creates a beard of bees on his face!
3:30pm – Open Hive Talk – Your last chance to see inside a real bee hive at the 2018 Honey Festival!
Bartram’s Garden is a 45-acre National Historic Landmark, operated by the John Bartram Association in cooperation with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation. It is a destination and an outdoor classroom, living laboratory, and membership organization for ever-expanding audiences—over 50,000 visitors each year and counting. We invite you to come here to learn, connect, celebrate, and discover a shared, greener future.
Bartram’s Garden offers hands-on activities for all ages, children’s classes, urban farming and community gardening, and family recreation. We have a calendar filled with community celebrations and special events, from outdoor movies and concerts to horticulture lessons and paddling on the river. There are so many things to see and do at Bartram’s Garden. Your passports are curiosity and a passion for nature and fun.
The John Bartram Association’s mission is to protect and enhance the landmark Bartram’s Garden and House; advance the Bartram legacy of discovery, gardening, and art; and inspire audiences of all ages to care for the natural world.
Bartram’s Garden
5400 Lindbergh Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Phone: 215-729-5281
Glen Foerd is a historic estate located on 18-acres at the confluence of the Poquessing Creek and Delaware River. Glen Foerd is a Fairmount Park property where people of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to enjoy a rich natural landscape, historic buildings and impressive art collection surrounded by a grand, intact 19th century estate. The site is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and its grounds are listed as a Historic American Landscape Survey site, one of only 24 in Pennsylvania. The mission of Glen Foerd on the Delaware is to connect visitors to the legacy of Glen Foerd through programs in the arts, nature and history and to preserve and protect the landscape, buildings and collections for the enjoyment and enrichment of the community and future generations.
Glen Foerd
5001 Grant Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19114
Phone: (215) 632-5330
Wyck is a National Historic Landmark house, garden, and farm in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia that served as the ancestral home to one Philadelphia family for nine generations (1690-1973). Here, traditional Quaker culture blended with a passion for innovation. The people who lived and worked at Wyck expressed these values through their commitment to education, horticulture, natural history, and preservation. Today, the Wyck Association connects this family and its rich history to our community through programs that focus on history, horticulture, and urban agriculture, using the past as inspiration for the present. Our 2.5-acre, centuries-old site plays an essential role in the life of our 21st-century urban neighborhood, using buildings, landscape, and collections to provide educational, cultural, and nutritional resources for our neighbors and visitors.
6026 Germantown Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Phone: (215) 848-1690
The Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild has grown from what began in 2009 as a small, informal group of local beekeepers. Because of the swift growth of our membership, The Guild quickly established itself as a not-for-profit organization.
Meetings are held regularly at the St. James School, 3217 Clearfield St., 19132, at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month (generally). Our meetings are open to the public. This location is central to our wide membership of Philadelphians; the extensive grounds permit a teaching apiary. Its community room can accommodate a large group and offers adequate parking as well as a comfortable, safe environment.
Located in the cradle of American Beekeeping, the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild works to encourage and promote urban beekeeping through fellowship and education, and to raise awareness of the importance of bees to our environment.
Thanks for letting us know and sharing all the details. This year looks to be a full schedule of interesting options for everyone.