Off the Hooks: Petite Scarf

Say it Rah-shay By Feb 16, 2011 No Comments
A Twitter friend and fellow hooker Mommafo was sharing some of her beautiful finished items on Twitter and Facebook one night and I thought that I really had to get off of my duff and get to hooking. She shared Lion Brand’s Petite Scarf and I just wanted to take a shot at it. The third time is the charm because I finished one today and here it is!
Let me say that this is my third attempt. The first two were with yarn that was too thin this making a petite petite scarf and yarn that was too scratchy which probably would have irritated me to no end if I had wore it. The yarn I used for the scarf pictured above was not Lion Brand (yes, yes; I am tacky) but Michael’s Brand Loops and Thread Basic Bulky.
The scarf works up very quickly but I found that the flowers were the trickiest part. Note to self: read directions through thoroughly and more than once in order to understand what is needed.
Ok. NOW on to things I should be working on. I know that I am procrastinating because I am scared that I may mess up. However, without sounding prideful, I think I am on a roll and that I should stop worrying myself. My last few things came out terrific. This will too.
Not procrastinating,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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