Tuesday night found me attending the final dinner for the annual Pennsylvania Library Association. I sat with friends and had a good last night but there was the opportunity to meet more authors!
Lindsay Barrett George was there to present original artwork to one of the librarians being awarded a service award. Lindsay was so lovely. I merely wanted a picture and she offered to visit the library and have a chat with me during some visits she is doing to another school in November! (Sidenote…what should I ask Lindsay? I love her art work but think it would be unbecoming to ask her to draw for an hour!)
Next I met Andre Dubus III. He is the author of House of Sand and Fog (starring Sir Ben Kingsley) and a new book, Dirty Love, that I am getting ready to dig into tonight. He agreed to do duck face selfies despite his disdain of technology.

Stay tuned for lots of stuff!
Feeling inspired,
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