In which The Bee and I begin again.*
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello hello
I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello
Hello hello
I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello
After seven years at the same school, The Bee is leaves her current school and in September will be moving to another. It’s a bit emotional; as a result of the Friends philosophy, she has become a wonderful person, intelligent, full of ideas and capable. However over the last two years reason that are part personal (her) and financial (me) have forced us to make a move.
She will be moving to a Catholic school and this is causing me great anxiety. I know the education that she gets will be top notch. Several friends’ children attend the school and I am always impressed with what they know and do but I worry about the religious aspect of the school. When Buffy and I were in the first grade we attended Catholic school and while that was a score ago, I can vividly remember how strongly we were influenced by the nuns and the doctrine.
As I speak with various members from The Bee’s school to strategize how her move can be better, how the transition can be smoother I am struck at how much they all seem to care. I often think of the school as loose but the method seems to work and worked well. Maybe a bit too well as The Bee has been very lacks in her homework, completing assignments, and just not into school. Perhaps she just does not like school? Hell, I hated M. Knapp’s class twenty years ago but as age has fuzzied my memories, school was a huge love fest.
Know that The Bee is moving there are positives. She will be with me most of the week, some that I am both gasping about and something that I am excited for. She will be going to school with her cousin and she will not have to take the school bus, which has turned into the OK corral**.
The Bee has had such a rough school year! Her grades were the pits but she has been climbing out from the poor habit of doubting herself and not being prepared. Now she has become quite the student. She still doesn’t LOVE school but she enjoys the feeling that being prepared does for her.
When we toured the new school, The Bee and I were pleased to see the rich art program. The teachers and staff were welcoming and I felt a bit more at ease. The Bee is still ambiguous. She will miss her old school but the new one holds so many possibilities.
Preparing for the last few months at school is a rush of learn, learn, learn…get it done, get it done but we are positive. It’s only a year and if things keep looking up this may be the start of a beautiful friendship.
*This post is being written as it comes. Please excuse the typos and poor grammar.
**The Bee told me a story in which a child, aged 11, told a second, aged 8 that the 8 year old was a effin b. But not like that!
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