Oh why, oh why must I be a stereotype?
Pick one: helpless lost female who can’t find her way (my MO as a driver or my MO in life but let’s not go there) or Black chick who is ALWAYS late for everything?
Aside: I am not disrespectful of other people’s time its just that I seriously misjudge just how much time it is going to take for me to get ready, get set and go. Even when I do have extra time I just lose track of time.
Pathetic ain’t it?
I swear, I left the house an hour before I had to be to Valley Forge but still wound up being 27 minutes late. Although I am comfortable with where I am going, tomorrow, in order to be in KOP by 7:30 I had better be on the road by 6:15. The karma Gods are sure to have roadwork and a five car pile up waiting for me.
Sheesh! I guess Chaos never DOES die.
That aside, conference Day one was so, so.
I ran into a few old friends.
Got a bunch of ideas that I had wanted to try (but psyched myself out of) and the support of some of my Delco peeps. (I almost typed “perps”.)
There is going to be a lot of downtime. I just looked at my schedule for tomorrow and there is like 90 minutes when I am just hanging. Last year when I went away I had a room and could take a nap, read my book, take a nap drink some coffee, take a nap, and there seemed to be more stuff to do. I guess I’ll load up on yarn or pop down to the mall like I’m a rich woman. There is a Michael’s in the area and, while my stash of yarn is quite massive, it never hurts to look!
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