Book Review: Doodle Lit

Read it Rah-shay By May 14, 2015 1 Comment

In which I learn to love the magical healing powers of doodling thanks to Doodle Lit.

I was sent a copy of Doodle Lit from Quirk Books to facilitate my review. All options are my own. Affiliate links are used in this post. If you click through the link and make a purchase I will receive a small commission.

Art intimidates me. Despite having to create weekly projects and crafts for my story time, “Art” is something that other people do. I merely follow instructions and create things out of repurposed items. I think my art phobia is because way back when I was in middle school I had this art teacher criticize my drawing of a tree. Dig it, the one thing I knew how to draw (what I thought) really well was a tree, complete with a hooting owl. I would draw that thing every where, on everything. When the day came for us to draw a tree in class I was all set to go, happily creating my masterpiece when the teacher saw my paper and asked what I was doing. When I replied that I was drawing a tree he told me that was wrong and proceeded to do some sketchy thing with his pencil to create a tree.

Ever since I found myself admiring art but not really partaking, leaving it to real artists.

I will doodle but even that is not a carefree endeavor. I feel like my doodles need to mean something, that my spirals are not right and a whole host of other things that take a mindless activity into Honors Calc.

Doodle Lit

Doodle Lit


With Jennifer Adams and Alison Oliver’s Doodle Lit, here is a whole book encouraging readers to draw…on the classics.

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I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

1 Comment

  1. crisann says:

    This looks awesome! Definitely my kind of thing. Lol… I love to doodle/draw! Have a great weekend! 😉

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