Write a Review Wednesday: Bad Kitty

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 14, 2011 2 Comments

From the website:

From the creator of The New York Times bestseller Boing! comes the riotous story of a cat gone berserk — four times over an in alphabetical order each time. Kitty is not happy hen she’s told that her favorite foods are all gone and all that’s left are Asparagus, Beets, Cauliflower, Dill…and 22 other equally unappealing vegetables. So she: Ate my homework, Bit grandma, Clawed the curtains, Damaged the dishes, and so on, through Z. Only when tastier things arrive (An Assortment of Anchovies, Buffalo Burritos, Chicken Cheesecake…) does she Apologize to Grandma.

Yes, yes.
I slept on Nick Bruel’s picture book, Bad Kitty but I think I have a new favorite. It’s an alphabet book! It’s a book about a naughty kitty! It’s 32 pages of a kitty with a ‘tude letting her owners know she’s not happy when they run out of food! Nick Bruel uses the alphabet FOUR times as kitty goes from a good kitty to a bad, very, very bad kitty and back again while waiting to be fed. Cat lovers young and old will enjoy Kitty’s antics.

General Considerations
This book reads well with a crowd. Despite going through all twenty six letters of the alphabet FOUR times this books does not drag and smaller children sat and listened. The illustrations are humorous and will have cat lovers in hysterics.

Ella, our ‘Bad Kitty’ storytime guest,
There is a whole series of Bad Kitty Books available to share! Check them out from your library or visit Nick Bruel’s website for books, activities and more.
Hoping to go home to a very, very good, good, good kitty,

I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. Jim KNight says:

    Wow! really nice. Thanks.

  2. M_knapp says:

    Sounds like a fun book. I’ll have to look for it for a gift book.

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!