Roller Bee

Say it Rah-shay By Sep 16, 2011 1 Comment

In which we try Heelys.

I was invited to try out a pair of Heelys, you know those sneakers that have wheels in the heel. The Bee and I checked out the website to see what styles were available. With a few clicks we easily ordered a pair.  When the shoes came we had to await a few days before we could properly try them outside; it rained and rained for days in the Philadelphia area and I wasn’t too comfortable letting The Bee outside to practice skating on a wet sidewalk. When the weather finally granted us a beautiful day we tried out the skates.

Don’t stop!
Read the rest of the review on Review it Rah-shay!

Disclosure: Although I was sent a pair of Heelys from Blogger 2 Blogger to review, I was not financially compensated for writing this post. All thoughts and words are my honest opinions.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

1 Comment

  1. I always thought those looked like fun. I didnt’ know there was a heel plug option -that’s good to know!

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