Win It Wednesday: Celebrate National Milk Chocolate Day with @BalanceBars

Review it Rah-shay By Jul 23, 2014 17 Comments

Chocolate…[insert Homer Simpson like drool] …it’s my favorite way to indulge. I love milk chocolate and happily indulge whenever I am able. In fact, I adjusted my programs at work so that I can make solar ovens with my library kids and we can make our own s’mores!

But with my love of chocolate comes a bit of hesitation. I have been trying to eat a bit more mindfully but fail when it comes to chocolate. I was sent a sample of Balance Bars and just love the rich chocolaty taste which satisfies my cravings and helps keep me going when I feel the midmorning slump.

I was sent two flavors to try…Chocolate Craze and Double Chocolate Brownie Balance Bars are yummy; they don’t have an aftertaste like some protein bars and are filling. The Double Chocolate Brownie is exactly as it’s called; a richer double shot of chocolate flavor. Chocolate Craze is a lighter taste. Both are very good and welcome after a long wog or workout.






You don’t have to take my word for it. Balance Bar will award one winner a prize pack of chocolaty goodness! Enter below.

You can get with this:

Say it Rah-shay | Balance Bar Chocolate Crave

You can get with this…

Say it Rah-shay | Balance Bar Double Chocolate Brownie

…or that!

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Want more chances to win?

Visit these blogs too for more ways to win!

Erica from No Sleep ’til College

Reesa from Momma Lew’s Blog

Kelly from Delco Deal Diva

Miranda from Princess Among Superheroes 

Enjoy and Indulge!

r’s note: I was sent a samples of Balance Bars to review.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. susan says:

    I would love to make some yummy cookies!

  2. Can I celebrate with chocolate all day? The idea is tempting!

  3. I will be celebrating by chomping on some of these Balance Bars of course!

  4. Wehaf says:

    I’ll celebrate by giving some close friends some good chocolate. 🙂

  5. Jessica Dennis says:

    I love chocolate! I will cerebrate by eating it of course!

  6. latanya says:

    I will eat some chocolate ice cream

  7. David says:

    I didn’t even know there was a milk chocolate day. I think we will just have to incorporate milk chocolate into our dinner. Maybe dessert for dinner is a solid idea.

  8. Always looking for a great new bar. Thanks for sharing!!

  9. Melissa Teears says:

    By eating chocolate and not caring how many calories it has. Just enjoy!

  10. Marie says:

    By eating tons of chocolate!

  11. I saved a few hershey bars from my daughter's party last week 🙂

  12. Did someone say chocolate and a reason to eat chocolate? I love the pictures of you tasting the goods, great enforcement for the product!

  13. Chocolate. Is there anything better???

  14. Manda Overturf Shank says:

    Chocolate milk!

  15. bodynsoil says:

    We love our chocolate in our household.. Dark with almonds is a personal favorite.

  16. Rebecca Orr says:

    I will be celebrating with a big caramel chocolate bar.

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!