Or…what’s Your Status?

Zakiya from Butterfly Feet Walking on Life has a great weekly meme: What’s Your Status in which she shares what she’s reading and wants wonders where you are with the books in your life.
Since I’ve been going through so many books I thought I would borrow this to share what I am reading.
Books I finished the week:
Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson
If you loved god in Alabama then you will love the return of a minor character, Rose Mae Lolley. Rose Mae is an abused woman who must leave her husband or risk being killed.
Books I’m reading now:
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert: She has just gotten to India and has met Richard from Texas. I liked the movie but am really enjoying the book more. I am listening to this on audio and my car trips nave been short or in the company of others this week so I wasn’t able to listen as much.
The Prestige by Christopher Priest. Saw the movie and LOVED It. The book is a little slower but I’m into it.
Books I am reading with The Bee:
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. It’s slow going since we only read a chapter or two a night and she;s with The Dad a few nights each week. We’ll get there before March.
Books I plan to read next week:
Wench by Dolen Perkins-Valdez. My book group is reading it and I have it at home but am reluctant to start. I hear it’s fantastic however and will begin it tonight when I leave work.
So dear friends, what books are on your nightstand?
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