The #Makari Skin Brightening Test

Review it Rah-shay, Say it Rah-shay By Aug 15, 2012 No Comments

A few months ago I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was truly shocked by what I saw. You see, in my mind’s eye I am still that young, fresh faced girl with laugh lines that grow faint. Instead I saw a haggard looking person with dry looking skin and I didn’t quite recognize the person in the mirror.

My normal routine of skin care consists of cleaning my face with whatever soap we have on hand and slapping on some moisturizer. When I do take the time to pamper myself I will splurge on some creams and solutions tailor made for facial care but honestly I have a hard time justifying the purchase and time for myself . There seems to be so many other things that demand my attention.

I was slected to try out Makari skin care and you can read and see my experience on Review it Rah-shay.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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