The Digital Family Summit.

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 14, 2012 No Comments

In which The Bee and I get connected.

The Bee has dutifully listened to my exploits about Book Expo America (each day I remember something else about that conference that makes me smile) and asked the inevitable:
“When can I go to a conference with you?”

The Digital Family SummitI’m always reluctant to answer; the first time I took her to a conference it was overwhelming, nerve wrecking (me) and I was like never again. True, it was years ago and along with The Bee there was Dill, Pop and Buffy. Trying to keep everyone together, see everything everybody wanted to see, not to mention cram it all in one day…Ouch!

So when I found out that the Digital Family Summit was in Philadelphia AND was something that catered to kids, I was interested. The Bee has been thinking about blogging, has been making videos and instead of fighting the idea of her being online I figure why not educate her, and myself, about ways to enhance what she knows, keep us both safe and secure online and hook up with local social media types.

The lineup sounds fantastic! My friends Cecily and Dresden are both speaking at the conference (possible carpool opps!). Other speakers include social media experts that I follow on Twitter and we will get to meet them in real life.

Looking at the schedule, the sessions seem like there will be an abundance of information to be had. The Bee has already picked a few that she wants to check out and I am glad that she is as excited as I am to be going.

There is still time to register. The conference is being held June 30-July 1st and if you use the code “FRIENDS” you can get 30% off. Check out the Digital Family Summit, the lineup, speakers and more here.

I am so looking forward to sharing my social media life with The Bee, learning more and just a family friendly event.

Hope to see  you there!
If you’re going, please leave a comment so that we can connect!


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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