Between the Covers: The Artist’s Way

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 14, 2012 No Comments

My blogging life is full of wants: I want to be a more confident, stronger writer. I want to sit down at the computer and have the words flow effortlessly. I want to be more creative. So I was all over the sign up for Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way

The toolkit has been described as 

My Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron has motivated millions of aspiring and professional artists around the world to discover and recover their creative selves. Now some of the most powerful practices from The Artist’s Way have been adapted to create My Artist’s Way Toolkit, an interactive experience that will allow you to:·   UNBLOCK yourself with powerful Artist’s Way exercises

·   TRACE your creative process in your own personal Artist’s Way Creativity Notebook

·   RECEIVE Daily Inspirations, Affirmations, and Artist’s Date ideas from Julia

I figured that my wants would be met with her toolkit, something that would inspire and encourage my creativity, and the artist in me would come undone. However I found that using the Toolkit was a bit of a struggle for me. First, using the toolkit as an app on my smart phone made for some frustration that I will totally own as my issue. I prefer to keep it old school as far as journaling go; a pen and notebook works better. Also, I found that as a night owl, the morning pages were a source of frustration. It felt like just one more thing to add to an already hectic morning schedule.

I used the app on my Smartphone and found that I restricted myself as I tip tapped answers. The contract I signed kept me more willing to work on the prompts but really, I would often find myself ignoring the app to scribble in my notebook. I appreciated that the exercises provided spanned a whole week. A week was enough time to visit and revisit each prompt and it’s interesting to read over my writing and see how my thoughts and perceptions changed along with my mood.

Using my PC, I enjoyed the process more. Even though I feel that I am not a strong typist, I felt free to type without worry of hitting the wrong key or being interrupted by a call. 

All in all while I enjoyed using the toolkit, I don’t think it’s something I would keep up with. Despite allowing myself to write when I wanted, I still felt the pressure perform and resented the feeling. The hard copy I was able to use allowed me the delight of a print book and the satisfaction of using my notebook without the pressure of digital journaling.

But, you don’t have to take my word for it; there are other bloggers who have reviewed this tool and have had varying success. For more on My Artist’s Way Toolkit visit BlogHer and join the conversation.

r’s note: Disclosure: I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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