The holidays are coming and I am totally feeling overwhelmed. Without going into the gruesome deets let me just say that I need some distractions that are not the nervous noshing kind. To keep some sense of decorum I decided to focus on working out. My goal is not something that will set me up for a fall like run a marathon next month but a little thing to bust out of the literal ass groove I’ve dug into my couch.
Way back when, my friend Robin shared her tips for losing weight. One thing that stuck with me was her random text push-ups. Whenever someone randomly texts her she does pushups. Some days there are more pushups than others depending on the amount of text messages she gets. I like the idea of a random event being the cause of me sliding fitness into my day and decided to charge myself 25 crunches each time I lose focus.
Since I have been off from work it has been easy to drop and crunch whenever I get a hankering. So far I’ve freaked out my Lil and have shocked the abs that have atrophied and softened. For the days that I work I have this little calendar to tick off the crunches I need to do.

I’m not sure what the end result will be. I’ve actually found myself not entirely disliking this venture. For crunches all I need is a clear spot on the floor and me. So there are no excuses, no equipment and no reason not to do them. While I don’t expect abs of steel next week, I do think I won’t be looking like a pregnant woman for much longer.
Here’s to a tighter core and keeping my head straight,
– Posted on the go
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