Five minutes of from the heart writing SHOULD be easy. I like to talk about lots of things but for some reason the idea of typing a stream of thoughts is just not happening today. I’m not sleepy; the extra hour was totally used for sleeping and I make no bones about it. I just don’t know what to write.
While I’m not sleepy, I am tired. I’m tired of not living an intentional life, tired of thinking that everything I do has to have a purpose, tired of feeling bad about wanting to be a lazy ass and, just tired.
My sister always says, Don’t talk about it, be about it but today, I feel like just talking. Just talking about the run I am going to take sometime this week. The degree I am going to finish, the other stuff that I am going to get to at some point in life but really I don’t have a plan for and just feel like running my mouth.
So here is my talking about it and not being about it:
I hate the way I look but instead of eating some fruit I atotally going to dig into the Halloween candy that The Bee and I gought during gluttofest.
Instead of going to bed when I get home, I am totally going to stay up for the rebroadacst of Nene and the girls. Instead of planing for the leaf clean up in front of my hoise I am going to slepp until the last possible second and then dash from the house with a sloppy ponytail and the bag of stuff that I brought home from work with the scribbles that I made all over it.
Really I will do none of this (ok, maybe I will be watching Nene) but a girl can dream right?
This was my 5 minute grumpy Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
- Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
- Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
- Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
- Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
- Link up your post below.
- Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.
Ok OK, the Blazing Saddles clip just made my day! LOL
Sounds like we were totally on the same wavelength last Sunday 🙂