School is out for…ever!

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 13, 2011 No Comments

School, school, school.
This seems to be on the mind of everyone lately.
On the radio, WHYY’s Marty Moss-Coane had a conversation about The challenge of preparing students for college and, once they are there, finish. My neighbor probably thought I was crazy as I yelled responses at the callers and guests. My Twitter feed is full of tweets from people who are looking for ideas and ways to encourage their children, their library patrons and just voicing ideas for ways to make education accessible and better for all. My Facebook feed is a combination of articles and opinions from friends who have children, people who work with children and those in between. And in person at my library as parents are wondering what they will do with their children when they reach the age of school, should they send them to the local schools, are the local schools as bad as ‘they’ say, and so forth and so on.

My own education plans were cemented as The Bee was to leave her school, a school that I loved and thought the world of, to attend a new school which is completely opposite from which we were attending. The school announced suddenly that it was closing. Along with the other children who were to attend the new school I was stunned. Of course, making it all about me, I felt that I failed as a mother. If only I made more money she could stay at her current school. If only I had been a better wife I would still be married and there wouldn’t be two households (and a baby brother) to take care of and we could have made it work. If only, if only, if only…

There was no time for the pity party I was ready to embark on. There was is an upset, sad sullen child to deal with. Tearfully The Bee told me she felt bad that she wasn’t going to be able to see her friends, she worried about being, in her words, school less and felt just as uneasy because she didn’t know her plans. Just as I was about to worry myself into anemia I appealed to friends and was reassured. Effin’ Guy assured me that I wasn’t a contestant in the Mommy Dearest contest and helped me do research. My friend Brandi also gave me wonderful advice about schools, how to research and let me blather on (and on) about what I wanted for my girl. I also commiserated with my friend Rachel who allowed me the perfect Monday morning vent session. Whatever choices I make I know that The Bee will be all right and I keep telling myself that we will make the best choice and that she will thrive.

I really wish keeping The Bee at her school was an option. Frankly I can no longer afford it. Perhaps I could give up Internet access and use that money towards her tuition. Maybe I will really get serious about my yarnthings but for now I think comforting a sad and angry child as well as doing my research will have to do. It will work out. For now we are going to enjoy the summer, visit our schools and relax.

Making my own school choices,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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