After jealously watching people get tagged on Facebook for the book meme I was finally tagged.
My top ten books:
1. Soul Kiss by Shay Youngblood.
I had just had The Bee and was going through it. I just couldn’t wrap my head around this motherhood thing and was feeling so lost! When I read this book I cried and something hit me that motherhood was something that was a change but that change was not bad nor good. Things would be different and that was ok.
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2. East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Because, TWINS! Seriously, good twin versus the bad twin. Parent issues. Everything an angsty teen needs to be reading.
3. Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
I had to read this in high school and we took weeks to dissect every. bit. of. this. book. Once we were through, I fell in love with Milkman, the family dynamics and this tale of treatment of women, race and, once you get the hang of Toni Morrison’s Toni Morrisoness, she writes one hell of a book.
4. Hollywood Wives by Jackie Collins
When I was in seventh grade my sister and I borrowed the babysitter’s copy of this book and my life has never been the same. Jackie can write a book. They were meant to titilare, and to my young tween self it did, but it also made me want to learn how to put words on a page that would make the world stop and focus only on what I wroite.
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5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The best Harry Potter in my opinion. Serioulsy, the first HP was like nothing I had ever read at the time. The second was meh but this third book…this was the book where being a wizard was still fun and had not taken such a dark turn.
6. If You Take a Mouse to the Movies by Laura Numeroff
The Bee LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book and I used to read this with her every chance I got. She and I would discuss the decorations, the movies we would see, playing in the snow.
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7. Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
Before Octavia, I never knew women, let alone BLACK women wrote science fiction. I found this book right around the time Dubya got elected and it felt like fiction become real life.
8. The Illustrated man by Ray Bradbury.
I was all into Bradbury in high school. It seemed more accessible than Asimov and I really, really, really dug the short story, “The Other Foot.” I was being exposed to a diverse life with high school and even though school was pretty equal, there were little jibs and jabs which made me think that life was so not right, fair, just. The Other Foot gave me a chance to suppose “What if.”
9. Lil’ Mama’s Rules by Sheneska Jackson.
I went through a phase where I ONLY read a certain type of book…mysteries, mysteries set in Scotland, biographies, and so forth. I had avoided chick lit books because…because. When I found Sheneska Jackson, I felt like I found a book which clicked. It was entertaining, timely (AIDS awareness, I was starting to, ahem, date) and I liked that she had rules.
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10. Christmas Day in the Morning by Pearl S. Buck
The year I was promoted at the library I was still living with my mom and things were tough. I had lost my job at the hospital and it was going to be a tight, tight holiday. I was trying to make the best of it by gathering Christmas books I could read with The Bee and try to start some type of tradition which would require me to be in the cold or spend a bunch of money. When I read Christmas Day in the morning, tears flowed. Christmas has always been a conflicted holiday for me. Extravagance and excess hides the true meaning of the day but this book reminds me that it needs not be about quantity. Quality time with family is more important.
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