Mega-Bad Movie Night

Say it Rah-shay By Jun 22, 2015 8 Comments

The Academy of Natural Sciences has evenings for adults only and last month I was a guest for the Mega-Bad Movie Night. All opinions are my own.

The movie being shown was the 1986 Jeff Goldblum/Geena Davis version of The Fly and there were activities and events designed to get us in a bad (meaning good!) movie mood.

Activities such as live maggots (I passed on touching them) although it was interesting to learn about how maggots are used in modern medicine.



An obstacle course in which one could pretend to be a fly. I donned fly eyes and went through. I would not be a good fly.





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I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. loisaltermark says:

    The idea of bad movie night is so much fun! I don’t think I would have touched those maggots either. Yuck!

  2. becca112971 says:

    what a fun way to enjoy your night, Plus those maggots are just too yucky.

  3. Definitely an evening I would not expect either. Hey this is something new to add to your list of adventures.

  4. Lori Felix says:

    Looks like it was a fun night. I would’ve passed on the maggots too but the obstacle course looks like it was a good time.

  5. Joanne Greco says:

    That looks like such a fun way to spend an evening! I would have passed on touching maggots also!

  6. sachacreate says:

    Wow, I’m wishing I was you in there, everything seem so exiting and fun. However, the maggots for medicine would have left a nasty taste in my mouth lol great post

  7. This looks like a really cool experience! The Fly was the first rated R movie that I snuck in to see. It was so gross and so good!

    1. Rachee says:

      My mom rented it and let my sister and watch it with her because she thought it was going to be like the version from the fifties. It as not!!!!

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