Is January 17th (18th) too late for Resolution/Goal talk?

Say it Rah-shay By Jan 18, 2018 No Comments

Hey y’all…remember me? The person telling you how to say her name, waxing poetically (or not) about life in general, talking about stuff?

Like Sam Sanders says, “It’s Been a Minute” and I say, “I’m still here.” Been working on some things – most of which is binge watching shows on Netflix, reading, and trying to get The Bee through this last year of high school (yo…these teen years are worst than those toddler years!).


Hello lovely.

I generally love the end of the calendar year and the start of a new one. A fresh calendar, blank pages, time to start anew. But this year found me stuck. January came and it was too cold, I was too tired, too blah. Seasonal blues got me, changes at work found me feeling a bit out of my comfort zone and everything was not so awesome. Instead of digging in and being real about what was happening emotionally, physically, I checked out and it’s been a lovely time of vegging on the couch, playing with yarn, reading books.

The time has come for me to shake off these feelings and start.

Note: I realize that depression is not always something that people can just “shake off” nor do I mean to imply that a walk will make things better. For me, Rachee, I came to understand that while part of me needed some down time, I also needed to change some behaviors that found me wanting new results from old habits.

A podcast I listen to, Elise Gets Crafty, talks about picking a word to guide your year. I went back and forth for what I wanted that word to be, if I wanted a word or words, if I should even bother but as I found myself drifting in and out of days I wanted something to change.

Last year I didn’t bother with a word. (I made some craft resolutions which I did not keep…boo!) but I would like to revisit having a word to guide my year.

I choose “START.”  It’s a verb. It’s a noun. It is what *I* want for me. I want to come into being; cause (an event or process) to happen, to be the beginning of something.

Is January 17th (18th) too late for Resolution/Goal talk?


New year, new me?

Naw…New year, same me but with a little twist…starting now.


Thank you for listening to my rambling thoughts.


Mentioned above:





I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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