Have You Heard About Rach-tober?

Say it Rah-shay By Jul 08, 2011 2 Comments

Day 5 -What do you prefer to do on your birthday?

Yes, I’m late. Having a week. Summers at a library will do that to you!

Ahem, now then.
For those not in the know, the date of my birth is October 6th. Those who have been exposed and forced to patiently listen to my obnoxiousness, I celebrate all month long with a little something I call Rach-tober. You see as a twin I have always had to share the date of my birth. I’m not complaining; it just is. I also have the added honor of having Mom’s birthday fall the day before. Buffy and I like to call it
Buffy and I liked to call ourselves a gift!
Since she wasn’t aware that she was having twins I guess a ‘Surprise!’ is in order.
Anywho for my birthday, heck for anyone who WORKS I think birthdays should be a day off. While I love my job I just want to be off. No demands, no questions nothing.

This year will not be any different. Take off from the job, drop The Bee to school and do some Rachee things: visit a yarn shop, eat a lovely lunch, make and devour birthday cake. And of course see Mom and Buffy for time spent together.

Please remember, I accept all gifts, particularly money. Money that folds, not money that rolls.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


  1. MIranda Hardy says:

    Yeah for Rach-tober! I’ve never heard that saying, “money that folds, not money that rolls”. Yes, I’ve been sheltered.

  2. MIranda Hardy says:

    Yeah for Rach-tober! I’ve never heard that saying, “money that folds, not money that rolls”. Yes, I’ve been sheltered.

Your turn! Tell it to Rah-shay!