Not a Toys R Us Kid

Say it Rah-shay By Jul 04, 2011 2 Comments

Day Four of Calliope’s Summer Blog Camp: What has most surprised you about being an adult? What have you learned about yourself through blogging?

When I was a kid I used to say that when I grew up I was going to eat all of the Breyer’s Butter Almond ice cream that I wanted, have parties and NOT invite my parents and be thin. None of these things have happened. I eat Haagen Daaz now, go to Mom’s for parties and well, you all know about my battle of the bulge.

Let me tell you this…being an adult sucks monkey balls and tiger nuts. Not all of it but there are enough sucky parts that make me long for the days when my biggest worry was whether I was going to have Barbie marry black haired Ken or his blonde cousin. Adulthood is tough. The worry, the concern, the pressure…I can totally do without. I so get it now why my mom always seemed so strict and mean. She was running the show, she was the go to person and she was the one that everyone, including my step dad, looked to in order to make it all better.

This is not to say that all adulthood is bad. There is the freedom to do things, make decisions, go. All of the things I waxed whiningly about in the previous paragraph are the things that make being an adult kinda alright. Being an adult is about making decisions, some of them hard, some of them a breeze. Sometimes it does suck to have all eyes on you expecting that you will know what to do. But then there are times when you can tell people to shove off and go for what you know.

As for blogging…I’ve learned that sometimes I can be funny, sometimes I can be whiny. Sometimes I can be funny and whiny. Not everyone will care or like what I’ve written, some will let me know that they don’t care or like what I’ve written but I can say that I am not as offended or sensitive when someone will critique what I’ve written, when someone responds negatively or when I lose a follower or two. Not everyone is as in love with my words, posts or ideas as I am and that’s OK. It makes me want to be a better write, use my blog for more than superfluous crap and to channel my inner superhero with great blogging power comes great responsibility.

What say you folks?
What have you found to be the biggest surprise about being an adult?
Do you blog? What’s have you learned about yourself?
Don’t blog? What do you think about bloggers?

Planning a party,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.


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