One Monday I was monding my business tweavesdropping on a Twitter friends tweets. She was doing something with a group using the hashtag #mombizmondays. I joined in and have been partying ever since. Or on Mondays when I am able.
The ladies who run the group, Lara and Shelagh are so supportive, encouraging and just a pleasure to be around. While my business has cooled I love listening in on the conversations, connecting with women who’ve got it going on and the feeding off of the excitement the group generates.
Shelagh came up with The #MomBizChallenge. One video a month for 6 months. Today n another group there was a conversation about whether blogging is supplemental or equal to blogging. I’m not sure. It took me way longer than I care to admit to write two posts tonight (a blog and create this vlog) so I say they are on equal footing.
This week, Friday Favorites.
Mom Biz Mondays
The Vine app
Girl Scout Cookies
Primates (apes, monkeys, chimps…)
What’s your weekend favorites?
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