
Friday Favorites

Perk Up With Funny Memes

I’m in a weird space this week. Not sure what it is or where I am going with it so here are some chuckles that are helping me through it. This was me all week: I did not play well with others, which led to lots of nervous noshing: And the return of feeling blah: and this:  Hello self doubt,…

Friday Favorites: Videos Will Make You Smile

When I was kid I performed with my school’s band and orchestra. As we rehearsed and rehearsed for each performance I can remember a sense of excitement that would build up until THE DAY. That last rehearsal.   Running around to make sure instruments were ready to go. Dressed in my finest black and white. Nervously chattering with my fellow players. The…

Friday Favorites: As Seen on Twitter

The end of the week!Yay!Cue Rebecca Black. This week I favorited these things on Twitter. It’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week and I read a heartbreaking article about an anorexic kindergartner. I have never been afflicted with an eating disorder and pray that I never will. I have been reexamining my relationship with food and trying to be more positive. Ahh…The Onion. And the…

Five for Friday: It’s Shiny

You know when you have that moment that makes you wish you had gone with your gut and stayed home in bed? Yes, that is where I am.Sigh!The road to Hell, good intentions, dealing with insane people.This Friday is rigoshdangdiculous and it is only noon! Source: someecards.com via Rachée on Pinterest Anywho, here be some things I am digging to…

Friday Favorites: Vlog Style! #MomBizChallenge

So.One Monday I was monding my business tweavesdropping on a Twitter friends tweets. She was doing something with a group using the hashtag #mombizmondays. I joined in and have been partying ever since. Or on Mondays when I am able. The ladies who run the group, Lara and Shelagh are so supportive, encouraging and just a pleasure to be around. While my…

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