The family (well Buffy, The Bee, Dyl and I) are attending the Digital Family Summit and we have been having a jam packed few days. Here are a few takeaways from everyone:
Dyl: Loved designing video games with Brian Alspach from Gamestar Mechanic (@gamestarmech)
The Bee: Loved the food blogging workshop lead Laura (Lolli) Franklin @1momof5 and Robin Zachary @RobinZachary. These two ladies have the most amazing tips for staging food pictures! Tip: the dollar store is the place to be.
Buffy: Meeting the bloggers she knows online in real life. It was nice to actually meet real life bloggers and get ideas for my blog.
Me: The Digital Doctor sessions. I LOVED the one on one with WordPress experts, speaking with an expert on online children (the very, very awesome Jason from Safely), branding and video experts.
So far this has been such a great weekend. Spending time with the family, learning about ways to make my online presence a passion once again and getting back to what made blogging fun.
Have a great rest of your weekend!
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