Bonding with Hooks and Needles

Say it Rah-shay By Nov 29, 2011 No Comments

This past Saturday Buffy and I headed to the Crochet (and knit) group that meets at the Wynnefield Library. It’s been a while; the group have just started meeting again after breaking for the the summer and for various reason (basic forgetfulness or just because I am a lazy cuss) I think about the meetings AFTER they are complete. I was so glad that I remembered and yesterday along with a score of women and children. met at the library for bonding over hooks and needles.

Before I headed to the library I had headed to Loop Yarn an excuse to shop to replace my missing “N” hook and to support them for Small Business Saturday and of course headed to the sale yarn. There I fell in love with a beautiful knit scarf but wasn’t sure if the scarf was something I could actually do. One of Loop’s employees (Craig) gave me a demonstration on how to work the yarn and I decided to go for it and to use this as a challenge (and also as a way to complete number 16 on my 101 in 1001 list).

Anywho, at group there were women who either knitted, crocheted or both and there wasn’t a lack of sharing going on. As always, it was a positive experience including yummy box lunches, someone sharing a bagful of yarn (I promise to pay it forward next month and donate some items from my stash) and one crafter taking time out to work with me and show me how to knit stitch.I was having some…issues recreating the scarf and the group gathered around to give me tips and pointers. The group meets again in December and are putting together baby shower objects for MLK day.

Enjoy the pictures!

Three generations of needle crafters!

She made a hat before we left!

All the knittas in the house say “yarn”

Awesome cowl in motion

Yarn that was shared

Hope for fun fur!

That day’s yarn whisperer

Chatting along

She says this coat took TWO years to complete!
It’s worth the wait

Happily Hooking!

I’m still chugging through my scarf. It is supposed to be a gift for my mom and I am using that plus the fact that the yarn is so beautiful, as motivation to get it done.

Needled up,


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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