Yes, yes. I had created a site just for fitness things (Look Better Naked…getting there thank you very much!) but wanted to share some observations from my time at the gym. See. I’ve been going for about eight weeks and that makes me some what of an expert (stage whisper: it does not).
Purple Pens
When I first joined Planet Fitness it was because it’s inexpensive, close to home and because they have purple pens. You read that right. I like the fact that Planet Fitness have pens that write in purple. (They also have Tootsie Rolls but that is not as big a draw because I would have to take a handful to satisfy my chocolate craving and that would be just plain tacky.)
Each visit would end with me grabbing a pen from the desk, a memento of the visit but I wasn’t going regularly so only had a pen or two. Add signing up for the Broad Street Run and not wanting to flake out again, not wanting to sound like Darth Vader anymore, plus this trifecta of things: The Bee, who thinks boring black ink is no good (where did she get *THAT* thought?!?), Mom, who was running out of ink pens that happened to be purple at home and the black hole at my library and inside my car in which pens and books seem to disappear and the few pens I had were gone. So my motivation soon became how many pens I could get collect.
Here is your answer (picture incomplete due to kid, black hole at work and car).
That reads: “I’m down to five! Gotta get back to the gym! |
Water, water everywhere.
Why not take a drink?
My gym has a water filtration system.
This means that I don’t have to remember to bring money to the gym for beverages (aside, I apologize to the gym workers who have had to take the sweaty, wrinkled dollar that I had tucked into my top). I’m not above a water fountain and will refill my bottle from it however this option is just wonderful.
Etiquette, er Gymiquette (that’s a word)
I wrote about the loud mouths who always want to be having a conversation while working out (really, who are they talking to that is so dang important that they cannot wait to have that conversation!?!) but I failed to talk about the (OK *MY*) treadmill rule. Why are you working out next to me when three treadmills are available? Yes, I know this is high maintenance but dig it, I am really doing you a public service! Instead of you having to hear my “is she or isn’t she having a heart attack” breathing, the cussing that comes towards the end of my run and the heat I bring (I’m hot yo!) I offer a buffer for YOUR comfort and safety.
Here is what I would like you to know:
Well now it’s time for you to Say it to Rah-shay!
What’s your motivation for fitness?
Do you belong to a gym? Share your favorite fit story in the comments!
See you on the treadmill!
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