Today’s poem is courtesy of a teen, through Teen Ink Magazine online.
Yes, a teenager. I am still on the prowl for poem to move me and have me embrace poetry but so far nada.
Anywhobastank (zing!) this one seemed to speak to me today. I have been considering a few things in my life and battling some negative thoughts and behaviors. Without going into the whole thing, let’s just say that I realize some of the things that I was (or WAS NOT) doing just were not flowing and it was a big mess.
This poem just makes me realize that change takes time. It can seem negative but may not necessarily be so.
A Change So Subtle by Jillian P,Au Sable Forks, NY
I used to think that
Were I to lose my mind
It’d happen all in one instant.
My views on love and anger –
Things that make me myself.
Someone so different that my friends would
Notice the change and find
Themselves shocked to be pushed away.
But I was wrong.
It happens slowly.
You change over time
By simply
Growing new opinions.
On love and anger –
Things that make you yourself.
And your friends don’t stop
And notice the change with surprise.
You push them away slowly as
You shift from old to new … and
After enough time you finally
Step back
And consider
How you used to be … and
You’ve lost your mind.
One step at a time
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