

Maker Monday: Finished Knitthings.

Say it Rah-shay By Nov 19, 2018 1 Comment

The Bee doesn’t always ask for knitthings but mentioned that she wished for an alternative to the cardboard holders for take out coffee cups. Part of me worried that a coffee cozy would be too slippery or that it would not helpful and burn the user but wonders of wonders…we searched Ravelry and found a pattern! Using some yarn from…

WIP Wednesday

yaRRns By Nov 07, 2018 1 Comment

I like the alliteration of WIP Wednesday.

Off the Needles: The Tokyo Project Slouch

Elisabeth Moss has a new show on HBO and was wearing this hat: Because hat, I was compelled to recreate her look. After lots of google searches and looking through Ravelry forums I consulted my sister who told that the hat was a knit one, purl two and decided to have at it. I had some Lion’s Brand Thick and…

Socktober: The Art of Knitting Socks

There are three things I feel that I need to accomplish before I am a real knitter: Being able to correct my mistakes Casting on and completing a sweater Making socks So far I have only accomplished a bit of number one. I can “read” my work and see where I make mistakes and I am getting comfortable fixing dropped…

Five Knitting Patterns I’m Digging This Fall

I NEVER thought I would be that person sneaking bags of yarn into the house yet here I am. I am not blaming my local yarn store but since I have been taking a class there, I find myself being pulled towards the siren song of the skeins of yarn hanging on the wall. They just look so lonely hanging…

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