
blog tour

#MondayListicles Struts It Stuff

This week Stasha is asking us to share ten things that make us proud. Shockingly to NO ONE I had such a tough time creating this list. As a mother, woman, person, I am always quick to share some negative, negate some compliment or in general wave away any praise but dagnabit I am going to hold my head up…

#MondayListicles and the Walk of Shame

Say it Rah-shay By Feb 27, 2013 1 Comment

This week the prompt for Monday Listicles came from Kerry who writes the blog The New Two. Kerry she calls for 10 DUMBEST PURCHASES. Only ten?Well then, in no particular order: 1. The Goddess Workout.I was going through something and thought the secrets could be found on that VHS tape.They were not. 2. Bodyflex.We’ve all got to breathe and if I could…

#MondayListicles Puts a Smile on My Face

This week for Monday Listicles Wendy from Stamping rules calls the topic: 10 tiny (or secret) things that bring you joy. I like this list. I have found myself being such a raging bitch cranky lately that I need to start sending some good Karma out into the world. Dig what I’m planting?   Here are ten things that bring…

#MondayListicles Got it in the Bag

This week, for Monday Listicles, Stasha turned to Ducky (from Bat Crap Crazy) who suggested that we share ten items in our bags. As I type, I don’t quite know where my purse is; I think it’s home or in my trunk but it’s way too cold for me to go collect it so I am going to share ten things in…

#MondayListicles grow up to be a…

Say it Rah-shay By Jan 30, 2013 1 Comment

This week the prompt for Monday Listicles is what we wanted to be when grew up.If someone had ever told me that I’d be working on a library I woulda laughed because I stayed being a fugitive from the library! I used to live for Amnesty week because I would borrow books and forget to return them. if my future…

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