

Thoughtful Tuesdays…Slow and Steady

Slow and steady wins the race. While getting dressed Tuesday I caught bits and pieces of a Today Show segment in which Joy Bauer encouraged a caller to focus on smaller weight goals as opposed to the total number. The caller was encouraged to focus on a few pounds per month instead of what she would look like way down the road….

I’ve seen it all…

…a magazine for hair weaves. Wow!Way back when pre-loc, a weave was a secret. You kinda knew people had one but it wasn’t something that you told. I guess now a days it’s all out there. Well, at least we will look good. For $5.99. Looking for the loc ‘zine,-r

Must I beg?

…or an open letter to visitors.Please to note: This post does not pertain to the people who visit and leave a message. This is for all of you anon lurkers.All right, all right, all right, all right. I have been as subtle as a bull in a China shop and that ain’t working so here goes it: Please leave a…

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept

Simon Pegg sighting! While watching Mission Impossible Three (or III) he made a much too brief appearance as Benji Dunn. Yay! Anyhoodle, while watching MI3 I tried to keep my Tom Cruise ick factor at bay and watch the movie for the brilliance that I seemingly have been missing. My friend Kingsley has proclaimed this the best of the three…

Tomorrow, January 16th, is…

…National Nothing Day! Someone knows what goes on at my desk between 12:15 and 4! (kidding)Todays Obscure holiday is a day to do absolutely nothing. No more needs to be said.-r

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