…Use Your Common Sense day.It is also Election Day.Insert your own election day/Obama/McCain joke here__________________.-r
The blog page for Say it Rah-shay
…Use Your Common Sense day.It is also Election Day.Insert your own election day/Obama/McCain joke here__________________.-r
Instead of washing the mountain of laundry that seems to multiply and reproduce between Friday and Monday I have decided to listen to some tunes. Sure I could pop some headphones on and do what I need to do but as Queen of Procrastinators I am exercising my right to screw around. Sophie Milman’s Back to Home Noisette’s Sister Rosetta…
…Cliché Day. Tomorrow, take the easy way out and remember all work and no play is not a way to live.Life is a bowl of cherries or it may be a bitch. It’s not over till its over and all bets are off if you don’t realize life is what you make it.I’ll stop now.But add your own to the…
Magical Black Men.This website has a list of 13 movies in which the Black Man is featured as the friend who stands by his (white) man. Forrest Gump should have been number 1.-r
I just found out that the Philadelphia Half Marathon is closed (pity!) but the Rothman 8K is still open for registration.Hmmm…I guess I could cough up the 45 clams and join in on the race. 5 miles.I could probably work it in. I can race and still get to work.Last year when I did that half marathon I was home,…