
Say it Rah-shay

The blog page for Say it Rah-shay

Not a top model

I was trying to show off my “Hospital Hat” but realized that I am looking a hot mess! [shudder] What the ham fat? What the holey hockey moms? WTF? I get the gas face and the vapors and some holy water (I compel thee)! Anywho, here is my hospital hat, made while waiting for my uncle to get out of…

Various UFO’s Part 1

In the world of needlecrafting, a UFO is an Unfinished Object and I have several (and if you thought otherwise I must ask, “Have we not met?!?!”).I was trying to upload these photos to my Ravelry account but technology and Rachée are not in sync tonight so here is what I am working on: Bumblebee’s camo hoodie. The one on…

Conference, Day 1

Oh why, oh why must I be a stereotype? Pick one: helpless lost female who can’t find her way (my MO as a driver or my MO in life but let’s not go there) or Black chick who is ALWAYS late for everything?Aside: I am not disrespectful of other people’s time its just that I seriously misjudge just how much…

What’s in a name?

Found this new website: Beyond the Name.Surprise, surprise, Rachée is not on there but I found out that my sister’s name is a form of Regina, which means Queen (help us all!).My Bumblebee’s name derives from son of Maud which is derived from Matilda and my mom’s name, Gloria, comes from the Latin for glory.When I typed in Rachée I…

Tomorrow (November 9th) is…

…Chaos never dies day.Coincidentally I go to a library conference tomorrow.Should be fun!Swag, quality crap and libraries with ideas for me to liberate!-r