So far the mind is willing, the body and life, not so. I can’t seem to muster the enthusiasm to finish my projects let alone be bothered to prepare them. While The Bee was in her GS meeting today, I decided that I would finish Pop’s bag, no matter what. Through lots of muttered curses, the furrowing of the brow as I struggled to remember the pattern, and listening to the cub scouts “singing”, I got it done.
Here are pics of the bag that we took while hawking our wares today.
(Support a Girl Scout! Buy some cookies!)

Not left in UFO purgatory!

Doesn’t she look just like her mom?
I am really glad to have finished this bag. I had promised myself that I would not leave this bag unfinished and while it has taken over a month, it’s done!
The bag is lovely. As is the child modeling it, as is her mom.
She hasn’t taken that dang thing off yet! I’m going to need to reinforce the straps.