Thoughtful Tuesdays: Twofer

Say it Rah-shay By Jul 26, 2011 No Comments

Two more weeks and the end is near!
I am on the needles and pins for summer reading to be over*. It’s been a challenge. A huge challenge and I am excited for the next stage. Enough about crazy library stuff.

Let’s see…

This past weekend, I was on the go!

I’m sure normal people don’t have to specially post about having weekend plans but I’m not normal…Hiyo! It’s a struggle for me at times to get going. Depression? Laziness? Sumpin (Something) makes me just wanna curl up and shy away from it all when I have time off. This weekend I think I was home to shower and sleep and the rest of the time I was on the go.
The PSMM group had a blog design workshop and I found my way to King of Prussia to get some ideas for making my blog better (see the nifty signature at the end of this post AND the nifty blog button in the sidebar!) as well as hooking up with some blogger friends. I had a blast. I also tried a bellydance workshop, two movies, gourmet pudding, a flea market and bookclub.
I need some days off from my days off!

Calliope and Jo-Lynne sharing blog design tips

Normally I tend to say NO. I can’t, I’m unable, I shouldn’t. This time I went for it and had such a great time out of my comfort zone. I had lunch with friends, I drove to a few unfamiliar places and I’m still here.

This weekend I have planned a movie screening, a flea market and attempting to run walk in the park. I also have some housekeeping things that need some attention but will totally, totally address that (Mt Laundry) Thursday when I am off.

I got my dude back!

Effin’ Guy and I had parted ways, mostly because I’m a nutter but let’s not point any fingers. Last week I womaned up, went to him and spilled it. The fear of being in a relationship, the worry that I have been feeling, the things that I always promised myself I would share if and when I was in another relationship. When I was married to The Dad he and I were so guarded about our feelings that eventually we were more like roommates than a couple. Instead of following my normal M.O. to turn tail and run, I shared what I was feeling, talked it out and we’re back on track.

Effin’ Guy is awesome; he makes me feel good, he makes me happy. He makes me a priority and understands when there are times that mommy duty comes first. He respects my time and ideas and even let me run the joint**. I’ve been more relaxed, smiling a bit more and just feel like woosah!

How is your Tuesday? Hope its going swell.

*That is a quote from Despicable Me. I love Despicable Me!
** Actually I only watched the store for all of six minutes while he ran to Wawa. There were no customers.


I am mom, daughter, sister, yarn lover, word lover, crazy cat lady and library chick. Find me with book or with hook and a hot cuppa.

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