Without looking at a calendar or using that damned app my sister shared with me, I can tell it’s that time of the month. Physically I am drained; craving my bed from the moment I pry myself from underneath the warm blankets to the time at night when we are blissfully reunited. Emotionally I feel like a two year old child, ready to throw a tantrum because I am feeling powerless over the things that I cannot, will not or will never, ever, ever, be able to control yet I want to scream and shout and pummel the nearest thing. For the last few days I have been trying to fake the funk but alas Rachee is no actress. My new name should be Cranky Paws and dear blog friends, I thought I would share a little of the crazy with you. Because misery loves company and I am in a giving mood.
Well, not really. I don’t want to share my bad mood. I am just feeling a little blaaaaaaaaaah!
So I am going to take a day ot two away from the blog until the monster at the end of this blog is a warm fuzzy blue muppet instead of a disgruntled chick.
Me, trying to look human. I failed.
Not wanting to be a word that rhymes with runt,
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